Hernan Henry Hirsch: Paintings

Hernan Henry Hirsch: Paintings
By Hernan Henry Hirsch | April, 2004
Although at first glance the name might not seem overtly "Latino," Hernan Henry Hirsch is indeed a product of the potpourri of cultures and people that make up his home country of Chile. With broad strokes and precise renderings, he takes the colors and landscapes of his birthplace and combines them with his own influences to create an intensely personal artistic language. Hirsch was born in Santiago, Chile in 1942. He received his Masters Degree in Engineering from the University of New Mexico in 1966, and became a licensed Professional Engineer in 1980. In 1998, he received his Doctorate in Law from Concordia University. Hirsch discovered his love for the arts early on. Music was and continues to be his aural interpreter. But, in time, the canvas proved to be his medium of expression. His artistic palette offers an undaunted abstract style. He defines color, its intensity and direct character, as well as the concepts and forms encountered in his professional life as expressions of his emotions. Hirsch often talks of his childhood and his parents' emigration from Europe to Chile in order to escape persecution in the beginning days of the Holocaust. This fact coupled with his abiding love of music contribute in great part to the development of his programmatic style.
This event honored José Vasquez for his service to Latino Arts. Co-sponsored by the Latino-Jewish Alliance of the American Jewish Committee.